
Be extraordinary sapiens
Himanti, [07.07.21 21:36] **New** NVS Vacancy 2021

Abhijit Banerje


Abhijit Banerjee


Introduction- Prof. Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee was born on 21st February 1961 at Mumbai, India. Prof. Banerjee completed his schooling from South Point High School at Calcutta and also completed his B.Sc. in economics at the University of Calcutta in 1981, M.A. from Jawaharlal Nehru University in 1983 and awarded Ph.D. in 1988 from Harvard University, the title of his doctoral thesis was ‘Essays in Information Economics’. Both his parents was also served as Professors of economics where his father at Presidency College, Calcutta and mother at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta.

 Prof. Banerjee’s main field of interests was on the areas such as economic development, information theory, theory of income distribution, macroeconomics etc.

Academic Positions-

1988-1992:- Assistant Professor of Economics, Princeton University

1991 (Fall):- Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University

1992-1993:- Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University

1993-1994:- Pentti J.K. Kouri Career Development Associate Professor of Economics, M.I.T.

1994-1996:- Associate Professor of Economics, M.I.T.

1996-2003:- Professor of Economics, M.I.T.

2003:- Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics, M.I.T.

2003:- Director, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, M.I.T.

2018-2019:- Visiting Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics

Fellowships and Honors- Banerjee has received several fellowships and honorary awards from different institutions around the world. Some of the given below:


·       Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics in memory of Alfred Nobel, 2019

·       Member, National Academy of Sciences, 2020

·       Bernhard Harms Prize (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), 2014

·       The Albert O. Hirschman Prize (The Social Science Research Council), 2014

·       Infosys Award in Social Sciences, 2009

·       BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Development Cooperation, 2009

·       Member, Council of the Econometric Society, 2004-

·       American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow, 2004-


v Banerjee, Duflo, and Kremer, often working with each other, focused on relatively small and specific problems that contributed to poverty and identified the best solutions through carefully designed field experiments, which they conducted in several low- and middle-income countries over the course of more than two decades. They also explored methods for generalizing the results of particular experiments to larger populations, different geographic regions, and different implementing authorities (e.g., nongovernmental organizations [NGOs] and local or national governments), among other variables. Their fieldwork led to successful public policy recommendations and transformed the field of development economics, where their approach and methods became standard.

v Banerjee, Duflo, and Kremer applied their experimental approach in many areas, including education, health and medicine access to credit and the adoption of new technologies. Building on the results of field experiments conducted in the mid-1990s by Kremer and his colleagues, which had shown that poor learning (as measured by average test scores) among school-children in western Kenya was not caused by scarcity of textbooks or even by hunger (many students went to school without breakfast), Banerjee and Duflo tested the hypothesis that learning could be improved by implementing remedial tutoring and computer-assisted learning programs to address the needs of weaker students.

v Working with large student populations in two Indian cities over a two-year period, they found that such programs had substantial positive effects in the short and medium term, leading them to conclude that a major cause of poor learning in low-income countries was that teaching methods were not properly adapted to students’ needs.

v  In later experimental research in Kenya, Duflo and Kremer determined that decreasing the size of classes taught by permanently employed teachers did not significantly improve learning but that putting teachers on short-term contracts, which were renewed only if the teacher achieved good results, did have beneficial effects. They also showed that tracking (dividing students into groups based on prior achievement) and incentives to combat teacher absenteeism, a significant problem in low-income countries, also positively affected learning. The latter finding was further supported in studies by Banerjee and Duflo in India.

v In the area of health and medicine, Banerjee and Duflo tested the hypothesis that introducing mobile clinics would significantly boost child-vaccination rates (the percentage of children who were fully immunized) in India—where, as in other low-income countries, high rates of health-worker absenteeism and poor service quality at stationary health centres, among other factors, had long discouraged the use of preventive medicines by poor families. They found that vaccination rates in villages that had been randomly selected to receive visits by mobile clinics were three times greater than rates in villages that had not been selected and that vaccination rates increased by more than six times if families were given a bag of lentils with each immunization.

v Banerjee and Duflo also used field experiments in the Indian city of Hyderabad to test the effectiveness of microcredit loan programs in promoting economic growth and development. The somewhat unexpected results indicated that such programs did not significantly increase small-business investment or profitability and did not improve other indicators of economic growth and development such as per capita consumption, health, and children’s education.

Later studies of several low- and middle-income countries by other researchers confirmed those results.

v Work by Banerjee, Duflo, and Kremer directly and indirectly influenced national and international policy making in beneficial ways. Banerjee and Duflo’s studies of remedial tutoring and computer-assisted learning in India, for example, led to large-scale programs that affected more than five million Indian schoolchildren. According to J-PAL, programs that were implemented following studies by researchers associated with the centre, including Kremer, have reached more than 400 million people. The laureates’ experimental approach also inspired both public and private organizations to systematically evaluate their anti-poverty programs, sometimes on the basis of their own fieldwork, and to drop those that proved to be ineffective.


v Abhijit Banerjee with Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer was awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize for Economics (the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel) for helping to develop an innovative experimental approach to allevating global poverty.

v J-PAL- The Poverty Action Lab was founded in 2003 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) by professors Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Sendhil Mullainathan, with the goal of transforming how the world approaches the challenges of global poverty. In 2005 the lab was named in honor of Abdul Latif Jameel, the father of MIT alumnus Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel and founder of the Abdul Latif Jameel company.

J-PAL translates research into action, promoting a culture of evidence-informed policymaking around the world. Our policy analysis and outreach helps governments, NGOs, donors, and the private sector apply evidence from randomized evaluations to their work, and contributes to public discourse around some of the most pressing questions in social policy and international development.

J-PAL also builds partnerships with governments, NGOs, and high-level decision-makers to share frameworks for applying global evidence to local contexts, and to support use of evidence to drive policy reform. This includes providing funding, technical assistance, and embedded staff to help shape programs and policies that deliver results.

Publications: He published more than 300 documents and his h-index counted 87 according    the Google Scholar Citations counts. Some of the books and documentaries are given below.


Ø  2019 Good Economics for Hard Times (with Esther Duflo), New York: Public Affairs.


Ø  2019 What the Economy Needs Now (co-edited with Gita Gopinath, Raghuram Rajan, and Mihir S. Sharma), Delhi: Juggernaut Books.

Ø  2017 Handbook of Field Experiments, Vol. 1 and 2, (with Esther Duflo), North–Holland (an imprint of Elsevier).

Ø  2011 Poor Economics, (with Esther Duflo), New York: PublicAffairs.


Ø  2007 Making Aid Work, Cambridge: MIT Press.

Ø  2006 Understanding Poverty (co-edited with Roland Benabou and Dilip Mookherjee), Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.


Ø  2005 Volatility and Growth (with Philippe Aghion), Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Ø  2019 The Magnificent Journey: Times and Tales of Democracy (co-directed with Ranu Ghosh).

Ø  2006 The Name of the Disease (co-directed with Arundhati Tuli Banerjee, Bappa Sen, Konkona Sen Sharma, and Sumit Ghosh). Cambridge, MA: I-mage Productions.


Professional services-  Some of the given below:

*     Trustee, Save the Children, 2016 –

*     Member, United Nations High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, 2012 – 2013

*     Member, Advanced Market Commitment Working Group, Center for Global Development, 2003-2006

*     Research Fellow at the Center for Economics and Policy Research, 2006 –

*     Member, Quality of Learning Outcomes Advisory Panel, Hewlett Foundation, 2006 – Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006-

*     Member of Board of Editors, American Economic Review, 2005-2009


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