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Challenges and future prospects of college library?

  Challenges of College Library?

Towards the 21st century: college libraries and the future

What will the college librarian face in the year 2020? It will be within the working lifetime of many librarians now in colleges. How many of them will still be there? How many will be doing completely different? Will they be self-employed, offering their talents and experience outside the expected patterns of professional employment?

 Challenges of colleges and their libraries in general:

Ø  Changing social/ economics patterns.

Ø  Governmental policies and attitudes.

Ø  Changing balance of central/ local governmental control.

Ø  Grater input from commerce and industry.

Ø  Impact of information technology.

  Challenges of library in specific manner:

Ø  An increased and more complexed pattern of demand.

Ø  Continuing stringency in resource provision

Ø  Greater diversity of types of material and associated hardware

Ø  A shift of emphasis from service provision based on a collection of material to becoming an assess point through which client can acquire information.

Ø  Greater Coordination with other learning resource agencies within college. 


Future Prospects:

Will there be organisation within colleges that are still recognisable as libraries? Will they be run by librarian?

We believe that information and material production centres highly interactive in their operation, will be at the centre of institutions of further and higher education. They will have to offer a proactive element student learning and provide an efficient and constantly updated management information system. They will be the responsibility of a team of information experts which will include people with information handling skills. The development of integrated learning resources is the developing step in this direction. The opportunity existed to perform a creative and developmental role and we took it. Librarians of all ages are moving out of libraries, developing a product or skill and marketing it commercially. Example- we have met personally include specialist computer software, information services and interactive video training packages and there are many more. 
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Challenges and future prospects of college library?

   Challenges of College Library? Towards the 21 st century: college libraries and the future What will the college librarian face in t...