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Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)


Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)

The Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Education, Government of India, It was established by the Ministry of Education & Social Welfare, Govt. of India (now it’s called Ministry of Education) on 27th March 1972. The recommendation of a Working Group set up by the Government of India in December 1971. ICHR was registered under Societies Registration Act (Act xxi of 1860) being an Act for registration of Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies in India.

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 

The primary aim and objective of the Indian Council of Historical Research is to promote and give directions to historical research and to encourage and foster objective and scientific writing of history. Enhancing the academic standard of the output of ICHR activities has been foremost objective in its agenda. The objectives of the Council as laid down in the Memorandum of Association (MoA) are as under:

o   To foster objective and scientific writing of history such as to inculcate an informed appreciation of the country’s national and cultural heritage;

o   To review the progress of historical research from time to time and indicate neglected or new areas where research needs to be especially promoted;

o   To sponsor historical research programmes and assist institutions and organizations engaged in historical research;

o   To provide technical assistance for the formulation of historical research programme by individuals or institutions and to support institutional arrangements for training in research methodology;

o   To develop and support centres for documentation and reference service on historical research;

o   To maintain a National Register of research workers in history and their fields of specialization;

o   To initiate measures, in cooperation with State Archives and Regional Record Survey Committees, for the location, survey, listing and preservation of historical material in private custody or in institutions lacking the necessary facilities;

o   To indicate periodically areas and topics on which historical research is to be promoted and adopt special measures for the development of research in neglected or new areas of historical research such as economic and social history, historical geography, history of science and technology, history of arts, etc;

o   To coordinate research activities in the field of historical research;

o   To act as a clearing house of ideas and information on historical research in India and abroad;

o   To organize, sponsor and support seminars, workshops and conferences for the promotion and utilization of historical research;

o   To promote publications of historical research of a high standard and to undertake publication of digests, periodicals and journals devoted to such research;

o   To encourage the production of popular literature which would foster an objective understanding of India’s cultural heritage;

o   To undertake the compilation and publication of source material such as would facilitate historical research and historical writing;

o   To institute and administer scholarships and fellowships for historical research;

o   To develop a body of talented young historians and to identify and encourage research talent, encourage the young teachers in universities and other research organizations;

o   To advise the Government of India on all such matters pertaining to historical research and training in history methodology as may be referred to it from time to time, including cooperation arrangements in historical research and training facilities with foreign academic bodies;

o   To enter into arrangements with the Government of India, State Governments and other public or private organizations or individuals for furtherance of its objectives, for implementation of its programmers and for securing and accepting endowments, grants-in aid, donations or gifts on mutually agreed terms and conditions;

o   To acquire by gift, purchase, lease or otherwise any property, movable or immovable, which may be necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Council and to construct, alter and maintain any building or buildings for the purposes of the Council;

o   To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount and negotiate Government of India and other promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments;

o   To invest the funds of the Council in such securities or in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Governing Body and, from time to time, to sell or transfer such investments;

o   To take over and acquire by purchase, gift or otherwise from Government and other public bodies or private individuals, movable and immovable properties or other funds together with any attendant obligations and engagements not inconsistent with the objects of the Council;

o   To sell, transfer, lease or otherwise dispose of any movable or immovable property of the Council; and

o   Generally to take all such measures as may be found necessary from time to time to promote historical research and its utilization in the country.

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): VISION / MISSION

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)

The importance of giving a proper direction to historical research and of encouraging and fostering objective and scientific writing of history is being increasingly recognized in the country. The subject gains not only form the point of view of national integration but also from that of the need to inculcate a healthy respect for our cultural heritage without encouraging a blind acceptance of superstition, obscurantism and revivalism. It is equally important to promote application  historical method to the study of the social sciences and the humanities, so that an inter-disciplinary approach is achieved in an understanding of these subjects.  The development and adoption of new historical methods have a bearing not only for the study of history but in improving and updating techniques and methods of social sciences and humanities as a whole. Indian Council of Historical Research would help in achieving these objectives and in enunciating and implementing a national policy for historical research. The frame-work within which the body works as follows:-

  • The Indian Council of Historical Research consists mainly of eminent historians of the Country.
  • The Council covers history in its broader aspect including the history of art, literature and philosophy and allied subjects such as archaeology, numismatics, epigraphy and the historical study of manuscripts. It also promotes the study of any subject with a strong historical bias and content.
  • The Council assists to promote scientific research in history and also associates with universities and research institutes not only in India but abroad also.

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): FELLOWSHIP

The five categories of fellowship are offered:

Ø  National Fellowship

Ø  Gurukul Fellowship

Ø  Senior Academic Fellowship

Ø  Post Doctoral fellowship

Ø  Junior Research Fellowship

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): COMMITTEE

Ø  Research Project Committee

Ø  Monitoring/Advisory Committee for North-East Regional Centre (NERC), Guwahati

Ø  Sub-Committee for Library-cum-Documentation Centre

Ø  Monitoring/Advisory Committee for Southern Regional Centre (SRC), Bangalore

Ø  Sub-Committee for Monograph Series Publication Committee

Ø  Second Level Grievances Redressal Committee

Ø  Sub-Committee for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops

Ø  Sub-Committee for Research Projects

Ø  Editorial Board for ITIHAAS (Shodh Patrika) (Journal)

Ø  Editorial Board for Indian Historical Review (IHR) (Journal)

Ø  Monitoring/Advisory Committee, Western Regional Centre (WRC), Pune

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): PUBLICATION

The publication result from the different programmes such as : Research Projects and Special Research Projects, Fellowhips, Contingency (study-cum-travel) Grants and Foreign Travel Grants, Seminars, Exhibitions, Workshops, Conferences, Etc. ICHR Publications, ICHR Foundation Day, National Education Day Celebration: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Memorial Lecture, Cultural Exchange Programme(CEP), 2015-16, ICHR Lecture Series.

  1. Books 
  3. ICHR Newsletter
  4. Royalty & Sale Amount received

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): LIBRARY DOCUMENTATION CENTRE

The ICHR Library cum Documentation Centre serves as a major knowledge hub to support research objectives and the needs of other units of ICHR. The ICHR Library hold a rich and diverse range of materials in the field of history and allied subjects. It is one of the leading research and reference libraries in the area of history.

The Library-Cum-Documentation Centre was established in 1972. Today, it is truly a 21st century resource centre. The Library system has been automated and networked. The library maintains an appropriate collection of print and electronic materials; provides access to electronic databases and texts; obtains materials from other libraries and offers a setting for study.

The Library select, collect, create, organize, preserve, manage and provide access to information sources in print, non-print and digital forms, regardless of physical location  to support scholarly pursuit, learning , teaching and research. With the rapid strides being made in Information Technology, the library is gearing itself to adopt modern technology to facilitate the scholars and make its services more user friendly. Improving computing services is an on-going library priority.

Other reference material, 35,000 articles from important history journals available in the ICHR collection are successfully indexed and available for reference through our library software for the scholars. The library also has access to the e-resources available on JSTOR and other digital resources. In both the digital & physical forms, the staff of the library works diligently on the library’s historic mission of sustaining, preserving and making accessible its unique collections to scholars.

Developing Library Network, being a member of the (DELNET), the library has an advantage of accessing bibliographical information on books and can borrow books on Inter-Library-Loan basis from different libraries of Delhi and also from some of the libraries in other parts of the country.

The reading room of ICHR Library is kept open from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm on all days, with the exception of Sundays and gazetted holidays. Scholars are welcome to offer suggestions for improvement of the Library. 

  1. Online Journal Collection : the following online journals with back volumes accessible through our intranet:
    Australian Historical Studies, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, International Journal of Hindu Studies, Journal of Asian Studies, London Review of Books, New Left Review, Pacific Historical Review, Radio Carbon, Times Higher Education, Times Literary Supplement.
  1. Print collection: are books, journals, list of current journals, microfilm and microfiches.

                I.          Books: The Library has a very good collection of books covering History and allied subjects i.e. Archaeology, Development Studies, Economics, Government Publications, Sociology, Demography, Statistics, Religion and Political Science, etc.

              II.          Journals: The Institute's library receives around 110 Indian and foreign journals covering the subject area of ICHR. These are received either through subcripion or on complimentary basis. Currently, the library has over 4000 bound journals in its collection. The list of current year journal subscribed is given below.

            III.          List of current journals :

  1. Theses and Dissertations: The ICHR library has more than 1700 Theses and Dissertations on history and allied subjects, adding to the intellectual assets of our library and its readers.
  2. Microfilm and Microfiches: The ICHR Library has a unique collection of microfilm and microfiches. These consists of monographs, Manus, government publications and other types of source materials, both retrospective and current, in many languages, and from most parts of the world.

Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOGUE WEB OPAC

It is a unique library having collections mainly in the fields of, Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Philosophy and Religion. Our mission is to acquire, organize and update the library collection to support the teaching-learning and research activities.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

The library is fully automated, providing easy access to its resources through Web Online Public Access Catalogue (Web OPAC) terminals, and has been organized scientifically as per internationally accepted standards. ICHR’s Online Public Access Catalog contains over 75000 bibliographic records with more records being added on a daily basis. The collection strength includes encyclopedias, gazetteers, reports, theses etc. The Catalog contains information related to books, journals, theses, microfilms/microfiches, proceedings and  bibliographic information regarding 40,000 articles available in our collection can be accessed  through article indexing module of OPAC. The OPAC search allows searching by any combination of author, title, subject/keyword, date or format. 


DELNET: Developing Library Network (DELNET) is a major Resource sharing Library Network in “South Asia”. It networks more than 900 libraries in India and six other Countries and offers access to about fifty lakh records of Books, Journals, Articles, and other Documents. DELNET also provides “Inter Library Loan” for ‘Books’ and Document Delivery Services for Journal articles to the Members-Libraries within and outside India.

JSTOR: The ICHR library subscribes to JSTOR. It is an electronic source of more than 1400 online journals spread across 13 academic disciplines with full text articles from starting issue of the journal and helps scholars, researchers, and students to discover, use, and build upon a wide range of contents in a trusted digital archive.

Project-Muse: Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community.  Since 1995 the MUSE journal collections have supported a wide array of research needs at academic, public, special, and school libraries worldwide. MUSE is the trusted source of complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies, with over 120 publishers currently participating. UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE, launched in January 2012, offers top quality book-length scholarship, fully integrated with MUSE's scholarly journal content. 




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