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Significance of literature review in research methodology?

What is literature review?                                                  

The existing information of any field in recorded form is known as the literature of the particular field. the search for the literature is known as literature search and the whole process of reviewing the recorded earlier work is known as literature review

Significance of literature review in research methodology?

Literature review is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of books, scholarly articles and other sources relevant to a specific topic providing a base of knowledge on a topic. It is an intrinsic part of any research. Because to start any research you must have in depth knowledge of the topic to find out the loophole the subject field have. it also helps to find out what already have been done in the field to minimize the repetitiveness of the research which is absolutely have no value. A true scholar cannot pursue his search for truth and knowledge without having the guidance of the published and unpublished research in this area.


  • It is a vital step for a researcher to go through the route of literature review. 
  • It helps the researcher to find out the gaps in current research.  
  • It helps us know what already has been done and how it has been done and what is the results. 


  • Help us to formulate a clear and specified research problem.
  • It reveals all the work that has been performed and their conclusion that we must consider before starting our research. 
  • Suggest better plan and approaches to research. 
  • Help to understand the theoretical approaches of the problem.
Types of literature review 

  1.  Selective literature review. 
  2. Stand alone literature review.
  3. Comprehensive literature review 
  4. Part of large work.
Literature searching route?

  • From general to specific. 
  • Encyclopedia: summarize the current knowledge and helps us to provide the background of the subject. 
  • Textbook: Provide a systematic body of explanation of topics which are generated by the efforts of researchers. 
  • Handbook: Current activity summarization of the research field.
  • Journals: review article give more detailed and more specific content. 
  • Reports of individual studies: provides ;what is known'.

Significance of literature review?

This investigation path will provide us a descriptive summary and critical evaluation of works related to the research problem. It helps us to provide the overall knowledge we need before demonstrating our research and how it will fit within a large field of study. 

  1. It will provide the foundation of the knowledge. To start any work we must have the basic or fundamental knowledge, we have to be familiar with all the aspects relating to the field of research and this is very essential to understand the exact problem and help us to find out a solution which is most suitable without ignoring any particular and important aspect. 
  2. It will also minimize the duplication of the research. The research work is going on throughout the world and therefore if we don't dig what is already known it is possible that we generate the same work which is already known to one part of world and this makes all the hard work to go into vain. We must also look for the current ongoing work the list of ongoing work is also released by most of the research institution. this will help us to do a job in our field which have the significance. 
  3. Identifies the inconsistency or gaps in the field. the loophole is a field can only be detected with high level of accuracy when have done literature review. If we do not perform this crucial step it is possible that we come up with a research which have zero value because maybe it already known to the world. 
  4. Identify the need of additional research. If have to justify why an additional research work is needed in that particular fields what are the unresolved facts and what are the demerits in the existing work.
  5. It will help us to establish the link or relationship between the existing work we come across. The formulation of the link will help us to understand the topic better.
  6. It will help us to work within the context of existing research work. 

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