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Himanti, [07.07.21 21:36] **New** NVS Vacancy 2021

The Institute of Economic Growth


The Institute of Economic Growth


The Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) is an autonomous, multidisciplinary Centre for advanced research and training. Widely recognized as a Centre of excellence, it is one of India 's leading academic institutions in the fields of economic and social development. Established in 1952, its faculty of about 23 social scientists (economists, demographers and sociologists) and a large body of supporting research staff focus on emerging and often cutting-edge areas of social and policy concern. Many past and current faculty members are internationally renowned and award-winning scholars.

IEG's research falls into nine broad themes: Agriculture and rural development, environment and resource economics; globalization and trade; industry, labour and welfare; macro-economic policy and modeling; population and development; health policy; and social change and social structure. In addition, the Institute organizes regular training programmes for the trainee officers of the Indian Economic Service and occasional courses for officers of the Indian Statistical Service, NABARD, and university teachers. The Institute's faculty members also supervise doctoral students from India and abroad, provide regular policy inputs, and engage with government, civil society and international organisations. Over the years IEG has hosted many renowned international scholars, including Nobel Laureates Elinor Ostrom and Amartya Sen, and others such as Ronald Dore, Yujiro Hayami, Jan Breman and Nicolas Stern.

Founded in 1952 by the eminent economist V.K.R.V. Rao, IEG's faculty, Board of Directors and Trustees have included a wide range of distinguished intellectuals and policy makers, including V.T. Krishnamachari, C.D. Deshmukh, P.N. Dhar, A.M. Khusro, Dharm Narain, C. Rangarajan, C.H. Hanumantha Rao, Nitin Desai, T.N. Madan, P.C. Joshi and Bimal Jalan. Several former faculty members have served as members of the Planning Commission or on the Prime Minister's Panel of Economic Advisors. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has had a long association with the Institute, initially as Chairman of the Board (1972-1982) and since 1992 as President of the IEG Society.  Mr. Tarun Das is the Chairman and Prof. Ajit Mishra is the Director of the Institute.


IEG Vision

The Institute of Economic Growth is a social science research and training centre of excellence, founded by Professor V.K.R.V. Rao in 1952. It was set up to promote multidisciplinary research on issues relevant to India’s economic growth and social development. Since its inception, the Institute has aspired to produce research that is theoretically sound, methodologically rigorous by international standards, and relevant for policy. With this ambition, our faculty members have kept up with theoretical and methodological developments in their fields, and with changes in the ground realities of the economy and society. They have to their credit a wide range of publications, including articles in international academic journals and books published by leading national and international publishers. While research remains the Institute’s primary activity, the faculty also guides Ph.D and M.Phil students from India and abroad, trains civil servants, particularly the Indian Economic Service officers, on economic and social policies, and provides policy advice to the Government of India.

When the Institute was founded, India had recently attained Independence. At that time, economic planning and social welfare formed the fulcrum of the country’s development strategy.

The Institute’s research profile reflected national concerns, and themes such as agricultural and rural development, industry, trade, finance, monetary economics, population, urbanization, macroeconomics, and social change received prime attention. Since the 1980s, and especially since the 1990s, however, there have been notable changes in the country’s economic strategy. While India still remains a mixed economy, with a focus on both State and market, the introduction of economic reforms has shifted the balance from largely State-led growth to a growing emphasis on the private sector and an open economy. Liberalisation and globalisation have affected not only the economy, but also the society and polity. Existing development paradigms are being challenged by new concerns such as environmental degradation and gender inequality. These call for new theoretical and methodological innovativeness.

Responding to these contemporary challenges, the research agenda of the Institute faculty has broadened to include emerging issues such as liberalisation and globalisation with a human face, technological change, environment and natural resources, gender inequality, the well-being of vulnerable sections, regional disparity, citizenship and governance, social pathologies, health economics, ageing, and social capital. Hence, while the Institute’s faculty continues to pursue its traditional specializations, it has also widened its scope. Moreover, it has sought to approach even the traditional fields with a fresh perspective, informed by new theoretical and methodological approaches. What remains unchanged is our continuing stress on academic excellence and policy relevance



Access/ users IEG Lib

The library and its facilities are available to the faculty members, Indian Economics services Probationers and other officer trainees of the Institute, for example, officer trainees from NABARD, Indian Audit and Accounts, Environmental Economics, faculty, Ph.D. scholars and students of Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi and other Universities in India, research scholars, alumni members and others who are interested in accessing information.

Working hours of library

The library is open from 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. from Monday to Friday for users. It remains closed on Saturday, Sunday and other holidays.


The library of the institute has a specialised collection on social sciences with an emphasis on development and planning. It caters mainly to the needs of research and training undertaken at the institute. Apart from routine and trade publications procurement, the library makes a special effort to procuring research publications, Micro-documents, serials and official publications brought out by research organisations, corporate bodies, international organisations and their allied agencies, universities and the Central and the State government, departments and their research and their evaluation cells.


As on date the library had about 1,31,000 accessioned documents including books, monographs, workshop papers, proceedings of conferences, statistical serials in the field of economics, economic development, energy, environment, finance, econometrics, mathematics, agriculture, forestry, industry, irrigation, sociology, social anthropology, gender, demography, health etc. An equal number of unaccessioned Micro Documents comprising of Institutional Research Reports, Discussion, Occasional and Working Papers are also held. The library also collects on a fairly wide basis, the Annual Reports of Companies, of Departments of Central and State Government and other corporate bodies.


In addition to a stock of 20,000 back volumes of journals of 2,000 titles, the library subscribes to 104 journals, receive 51 journals in exchange and receive 123 journals on gratis. The library exchanges the Institute's research output and publications (including its journal, Contributions to Indian Sociology) with similar institutions in India and abroad. In total, the library receives 278 journals.




Since data publications are important for research, the library specialises in collecting statistical serials, mostly annually. There are around 3000 serial titles containing statistical information on India and its states and other countries.

Government Publications

Annual Reports

Research Papers

Census Reports

The library has a complete set of census reports commencing from 1872. This section maintains the census data of India for the period 1872 to 1951 in microfiche format and from 1951 to 2001 in hard copy. 1991 & 2001 Census are available in floppy and CD at the IEG also.


JSTOR  access in IEG

The library is subscribing JSTOR. It is an electronic device of more than 400+ journals spread across 13 academic disciplines with full text from starting issue of the journal.


Capital market


The Library has about 200 CD-ROMs and 8 computers with CD Drive.

S. No.  CD      


Institute of Economic Growth Library provides the following services:

Online Information Retrieval and Dissemination of Information through:



CD-ROM Databases

Selective Dissemination of Information

Current Awareness Service (Arrivals this Week)

Bibliographic and Documentation Service

Indexing of Periodical Literature

Inter-library loan

Networking System Reference Service

Circulation Service

Reprographic service



Computer centre

IEG’s computer unit caters to about 170 users, including faculty members, supporting research staff, members of the administration, doctoral students, IES probationary officers and affiliated visitors. We have a large local area network (LAN) serviced by the HP BL460c G7 blade server. IEG also acquired a high-speed fiber link of the National Knowledge Network (NKN) over the University of Delhi’s LAN system. It is also being used to access 100+ e-resources (journals, online databases, etc.). IEG also acquired additional 10 MBPS 1:1 internet link to manage internet failure and to provide un-interrupted internet services in the IEG’s offices, hostel and the staff quarters which are also interconnected using wire and unified Wi-Fi systems. CCTV camera systems were fixed for security on the campus and a biometric attendance system was installed for effective supervision of personnel. The IES training room of the Institute is installed with modern training amenities such as Digital Podium, wireless PA system.

Faculty members and senior administrative staff are provided with PCs in their offices, connected with individual duplex/MFP laser printers. They are also provided laptops. Heavy-duty printing services are deployed in the computer unit, library and the accounts section of the Institute. Modern systems such as Digital Podium facilitate training programmes. IEG’s software library has advanced application and econometric packages which cover MS Office, Adobe Acrobat Eviews 9.1, Limdep 7.0, Stata 14.0, Stella 5.0, Vensim 5.5 (DSS), GAMS 2.5, MFIT 5.0, MLwin, RATS 6.0, ArcGIS 10.1, etc. Network and online database such as Ace Equity, Prowess are also available.

The feature-rich IEG website uses CMS which allows the faculty, research units and administration to easily update their information. It also incorporates an online job portal, events manager and off-campus faculty login. The Audio-Visual Room of the Institute is equipped with VHF audio conferencing and can be used for web conferencing, live interviews, live presentations and demo programmes.

IEG is also recognised for its growing presence on social networking sites including Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. We have registered nearly 1,000+ followers on these accounts and 15,000+ connects on YouTube. Web-analytics reveal that Institute events have been watched on YouTube in 50+ countries across the world.


Fellowship information

The Institute hosts several fellowship programmes.


Sir Ratan Tata (SRT) Fellowships:

The Sir Ratan Tata Fellowship programme was instituted at the IEG in 2000 to provide Indian research scholars an opportunity to undertake post-doctoral research. One of the fellowships is at the Assistant Professor level (for two years and extendable for a third year) and another at the Associate Professor/Professor level (for one year). Since its inception, the Institute has hosted 12 Fellows. During their tenure, many Fellows have written papers and organised workshops; some have prepared and published book manuscripts.

ICSSR Doctoral Fellowships:

IEG offers four Ph.D. Fellowships every year in economics and sociology, instituted by the Indian Council of Social Science Research.




Chapters in Books

Published Research Papers

Policy Briefs

Faculty Working Papers

Books Edited

Chapters in Books

Published Research Papers

Policy Briefs

Faculty Working Papers

Faculty work-in-progress

Annual Reports

Distinguished Lecture Series

Serial Publications

Monthly Monitor

Contributions to Indian Sociology: Occasional Studies

DSE-IEG Macroeconomic Outlook Report


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