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Online E-Resources

In the internet era where you have the access to the web, you can find almost every information you need online. When you search for something via the search engine and you will get a large number of results outcome. But not all the search results hold the information you are looking for. So, you have to search in a systematic way using various search techniques available. Without search techniques, it is like you are wandering around without having a specific goal and you absolutely have no idea where this road will take you. It's like you have to search a particular book in the library documents and the library has not arranged the documents in any specific format. it just a pile of documents and you are searching for what you need without any guidance in randomly placed documents. Searching electronic resources will become easy if you know how to "talk to" the system to find what you are looking for. In order to find good search results, you have to learn the basic search technique. 

Some basic features of e-resources:

  1. Vast information reservoir: In present time most of the information is available online and even the users demand the e-format of the information. It crosses all the geographical barriers and the availability of the information to the users increases magnificently. 
  2. Up to date information: In comparison to the print sources the availability of the updated  information is more in the case of e-resource. And the currency of the e-resources made it more suitable for the users. they find the current and updated information easily.
  3. Multimedia format:  The one of major merits of electronic resources is that they are available in multiple formats, text, audio, video, pictures, etc. There is a provision of hyper-link also. Just by a single click you can go to the hyper-linked text also. 
  4. Interactive:  The electronic media is interactive in nature. It provide the interaction between author and the users. 
  5. Quick information retrieval: The user can easily get the information on internet most of which have free access. For information you don't have to wait in que. You can't get it from anywhere and at any time. 
  6. 24*7 availability: For print media the accessibility is limited but in e-resources this is not a limitation. You can get the information at any hour of a day. 
  7. Multidisciplinary approach: The electronic resources have multidisciplinary approach. 
  8. Peer reviewed information sources: Many sources available in the e-format are peer-reviewed  by subject experts. That sources will give you accurate and relevant information. 
  9. Various search options: There are two type of searching- Simple searching and advance search. There are various search techniques which helps in searching the exact result we need. Some of them are keyword searching, Boolean searching, truncation, etc. 
  10. Special services i.e. SDI, Alerts etc.: There are many more benefits of e-resources like e-mail alerts, Selective Dissemination of information (SDI), etc.
  11. Standardized citations: There are many sources which provide citation in different citation styles. 
What Types of information available on web:

1. Free, visible web: Surface web is available to the general public. It is also known as crawlable web and public web.  
2. Free, invisible web: The deep web, hidden web or dark web are used for invisible web. The content of deep web is not found on Google, Yahoo or Bing search. The content is protected from indexing and the content is available through the website and you have to search the query on the websites search box.   
3. Paid databases: Paid databases are the databases which is available only through payment or subscription basis. They have login id access and you have to make payment for it's content. 

What is search engine?
A search engine is a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for online using search techniques and search strategies. e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. 

What is a subject directory?
A search directory is a categorized online indexes of websites. Subject directories are collections of Internet sites that have been selected and organized that have been arranged into subject categories and sub-categories.

What is meta search engine?
 Metasearch engine (or search aggregator) is an online information retrieval tool that uses the data of a web search engine to produce its own results. It basically compile the results of different search engines at one place. e.g. Dogpile, Metager, Metacrawler, Yabado etc. 

How to make an effective search?
Searching the WWW and other subscribed databases for relevant information requires certain type of expertise. The kind of expertise needed may vary from one search engine. Some general tips are: 

  1. Choose a search engine, Database, directory or library in accordance with the kind of search you are doing and the kind of results you are seeking.
  2. Consider: What exactly you are looking for?
  3. Determine your aims: What you are looking for? Is it specific to a site or can be found in other popular sites? In what form you want your information?

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