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Library Consortia


                                   Library Consortia

 The term consortia refer to an agreement or group formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member. Library Consortia mean a group of libraries working together for a common cause. It means collaborative or coalition effort for meeting the varied needs of users. It may be defined as any kind of formal cooperative arrangement where people agree to exchange information or resources. 

The library Consortia mainly deal with resource sharing in digital or electronic format. There are several reasons, which necessitated the concept of library consortia. Important among them are:

1. Information explosion: There is a tremendous increase in the generation of information in all fields of knowledge due to intensive researches taking place in almost all fields of knowledge. Explosive growth of literature has made it impossible for libraries to attain self-sufficiency. Exponential growth of library materials in many form and format such as books, periodicals, non-book materials like e-books, e-journals, online databases etc. have made it beyond the control of a library to acquire all the materials that are being produced.

 2. Shrinking budget: The cost of books and other information sources are escalating year by year. But the fund allocation to Libraries in our country is not increasing in proportion with this price hike. There has been a continuous devaluation of currency also. Hence no library can procure all the resources needed by its users. Limitations in fiscal conditions and other resources like manpower, space etc. have put tremendous pressure on libraries to join hands with other libraries for resource sharing.

3. Ever-growing user requirements: User requirements for information vary from user to user. They need a wide spectrum of information due to information explosion, presence of multi-discipline, specialization of subjects etc. No library can meet their demands with their own resources.

 4. Technological advancements: Unprecedented pace of technological developments in information storage and retrieval poses great challenge on traditional libraries to find ways and means to provide better services to their patrons. Issues like shift of information medium from print to digital, shorter life span of electronic media, changing formats, developments in hardware and software, interoperability and standards have also put pressure on libraries to join to overcome these barriers.

5. Professionalisation of library services: Role of library professionals has been changed from mere conservator to facilitator of knowledge. Major functions of a librarian are to identify, select, procure, organize, preserve and disseminate information. Rapid changes have taken place in all the above areas. It has posed great challenge for librarians to remain at the frontline of the profession. This paradigm shift prompted the professionals to have collaboration and coordination with other libraries to provide quality library services.

According to Cholin and Karisiddappa, the major objectives of library consortia are:

1. To enhance the resource base of the individual library

2. To increase the cost benefit per subscription

3. To promote the rational use of funds

4. To have greater buying power

5. To ensure continuous subscription to the journals subscribed

6. To guarantee local storage of the information acquired for continuous use

7. To reduce the strength of staff and storage space

8. To develop technical capabilities of the staff in using electronic databases

9. To share technical expertise of library professionals

 10. To keep up-to-date with new technology

11. To have strategic alliance among institutions with common interest

The concept of library consortia is not new, and it refers to cooperation, coordination and collaboration between and amongst libraries for the purpose of sharing information resources. Major advantages of library consortia include enhanced cooperation, i.e., alliance with institutions that have common interest, augmentation of resource base with less money, adoption of new technology for providing better services and rational use of library budget. Today, many journals and publications have started getting published only in the electronic form, especially in the field of science and technology. It is therefore becoming necessary that the libraries get automated and networked, for it is the networking alone which makes resource sharing and dissemination of information possible at all levels, irrespective of the form and format of information. The library consortia provide an effective information infrastructure to the member libraries of the consortia.


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